Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

10 Members of Parliament Naughton Related traveler checks, Century & Fake Diploma

Ten House members naughty name that threatened sanctions from Honorary Board (BK) House of Representatives, began to lift. Although not mentioned in detail who the legislator-legislator problematic, but implicitly it is said that they snagged three big cases.

"The three status has inkrah, there are cases of corruption and ethics. Similarly, the defendant has (set of sanctions by BK)," Katan Chairman BK DPR M Prakosa told reporters at the Parliament Building in Jakarta on Monday (5/31/2011).

The statement that almost matching raised by the Deputy Speaker of the House Priyo Budi Santoso, who was present at the meeting with leaders of the House konslutasi BK.

Priyo confirmed that the board members who nowadays is a defendant in the case of travelers checks election of Bank Indonesia Senior Deputy Governor, Bank Century and diploma forgery, has been suspended as a member of Parliament.

Of the ten members of the council, said there is also a name Priyo former General Treasurer Democratic Party, Mohamed Nazaruddin. However, again he was reluctant to mention any sanctions given to members of the commission VII.

Vice Chairman BK, Nudirman Munir insisted sanctions should not bring the person. "The sanctions do not have to wait for the presence of the concerned," said Nudirman.

Based on searches Legal, council member who became the defendant in the case of travelers checks election of Bank Indonesia Senior Deputy Governor of the Panda Nababan, Dudhie Makmun Murod and Soewarno.

For the case of Century Bank, there is the name of Mohammed Misbakun PKS Faction members who have been convicted in the case of Century Bank LC. As for the case of fake diplomas, in July last year, had admitted planning process Nudirman five House members who alleged diploma forgery case. But again Nudirman did not name the five members of Parliament.

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